Key Features
– Prevents aphid populations from developing and reduces moderate populations to non-damaging levels.
– Adults begin to emerge in transit, ready for immediate release.
– Not light sensitive – no diapause stage.
– Ventilation and food source available in packaging ensures adult survival in transit and storage.
– Suitable for all greenhouse crops.
How It Works
– The female wasp lays an egg within the aphid. The egg hatches within 2-3 days and the wasp larvae feeds on the aphid leaving a parasitized mummy on the plant.
– The colemani life cycle takes 10 days at 25°C / 77°F or 14 days at 21°C / 70°F.
– For preventive control, releases should be made weekly during periods when aphids are most likely to be found in the crop (usually in the spring or early summer).
– Where aphid colonies are already present, Aphiline can be used curatively at a higher rate, generally by releasing the parasites immediately adjacent to colonies.
– If no previous releases of Aphidius colemani have been made, aphid populations can grow rapidly and supplemental control methods may be needed.
Continue using Aphiline preventively so aphid populations do not become a recurring problem.