BizAgro Bio EC Fertilizer NPK Solution


● Never exceed appropriate dosage rates and use where necessary.
● Keep away from children and food.
● Use mask, gloves and glasses during fertilization.
● Avoid contact with eyes, face and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water.
● Wash your hands with plenty of water after use and dispose of used empty packaging.
● It is recommended to use it after soil and/or leaf analysis.


1 Lt

Category: SKU: SG005-Y


The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product when used in accordance with its recommendations.
Problems that may appear from incorrect use and storage conditions (toxicity, residues, ineffectiveness, etc.) are the responsibility of the user.

Always make a pre-mixing test to be sure of the mixture.

Store in its original packaging under normal conditions (cool and dry places). Do not expose the product to direct sunlight. Under normal conditions, it retains its physical and chemical properties for at least 5 years. Storage temperature should be between 0 °C and + 45 °C.

Area of Use
Foliar Application
Drip Irrigation
Method of Application
Vegetables, open fields
150-300ml / 100L
1-2L / 1000m²
2-3 times during vegetative development
Vegetables, greenhouses
150-300ml / 100L
1-2L / 1000m²
2-3 times during vegetative development
Orchards, Fruits, Citrus, Olive, Fig, Grape, Banana etc.
200-400ml / 100L
2-3L / 1000m²
2-3 times during vegetative development
Grains, green fields
150-300ml / 100L
2-3 times during vegetative development
Industrial crops
200-300ml / 100L
2-3L / 1000m²
2-3 times during vegetative development
Cut flowers
150-300ml / 100L
1-2L / 1000m²
2-3 times during vegetative development